
5 Ways You Can Lower Your Summer Energy Bills

As the summer season runs its course, the temperature rises and once it does, you can expect your utility bills to do the same. After all, you’ll have to crank up your air conditioner to make your home as comfortable as possible. Luckily, you don’t have to settle for a high energy bill as there are ways you can avoid such an occurrence.

In this post, roof replacement experts from Cosmic Renovation and Roofing discuss the various ways you can lower your energy bills for the summer season.

HVAC Maintenance

HVAC maintenance is one of the foolproof ways of lowering your energy bills for the summer. In fact, as soon as you can, have your HVAC inspected by a professional because half your utility bills is generated by the HVAC unit. Have them change the air filters as well to ensure that the system will work as efficiently as possible.


Replacing your old appliances and home fixtures with ENERGY STAR products can help you save a significant amount every year. Appliances with the ENERGY STAR logo are guaranteed to help you save as much as $110 per year while ENERGY STAR windows and doors can help increase your home’s energy efficiency and lower your monthly utility bills.

Solar Roofing

On the other hand, if you want to lessen your reliance on electricity, then having solar panels installed on your roof is the way to go. That way, you can significantly lower your heating and cooling bills since you won’t have to rely much on electricity to make everything in your home work. To install solar panels in your home, simply turn to solar services provider Cosmic Renovation and Roofing.

Keep Your Windows and Doors Shut

There’s a common misconception that leaving your windows and doors open on a hot summer day can make your home more comfortable. Unfortunately, it’s actually the opposite; leaving your windows and doors open can invite hot air indoors and make things more uncomfortable at home. With that in mind, always close your doors and make sure to block any gaps around your window and door frames to prevent air leaks.

Programmable Thermostats

It can be easy to forget to adjust your thermostats according to the time of day, especially if you’re leaving your home. Unfortunately, that can be one of the main causes of your bills spiking up. Therefore, if you want your electricity bills to stay low for the season, consider having a programmable thermostat installed. That way, the temperature of your home will automatically adjust on its own even when you aren’t at home.

Turn to Cosmic Renovation and Roofing for your home improvement needs. We are your leading provider of residential solar roofing and roof replacement services. Give us a call at (877) 653-9899 or fill out our contact form.

